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For an overview on these procedures, click here. The following was abstracted from information provided in Dr. Geeta Shroff’s patent application:


The practice of the present invention resulted in the reversal of the symptoms of SCI in a subject suffering from SCI by transplantation of hES cells according to the protocol described herein.

… a 29 year old subject with a C6-C7 fracture and dislocation was declared untreatable by different medical practices. The subject had no sensation from the inter mammary area downwards, and was unable to sit on his own, had no bladder or bowel control, was not able to move his arms and fingers and had no power or tone in his legs. The subject had developed non-healing bilateral bedsores during a period of three years. Administration of hES cells and their derivatives according to the practices of the present invention was initiated under these conditions as follows.

A pharmaceutical composition containing approximately about 750,000 to about 80 million hES cells and their derivatives including hematopoietic stem cell progenitors and neuronal stem cell progenitors was diluted in sterile normal saline to a final volume of 0.25 to 1.0 ml, karyotyped, tested for contamination, viability and count using standard protocols and then administered by subcutaneous injection in the forearm. The subject was observed for anaphylactic shock, pain or inflammation at the site of the injection, generalised itching, flushing or fever after five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes, thirty minutes, one hour and twenty four hours.

Treatment of the subject was by administration of a subcutaneous priming injection of a pharmaceutical composition containing 750,000 to 80 million hES cells and their derivatives, wherein said cells comprise hematopoietic stem cell progenitors and neuronal stem cell progenitors, resuspended in a volume of 0.25 ml to 1.0 ml of sterile normal saline. A further priming injection carrying the same number of hematopoietic stem cells and neuronal stem cells resuspended in 0.25 ml to 1.0 ml of sterile normal saline was administered by intramuscular injection. A final priming injection of 750,000 to 80 million neuronal stem cell progenitors resuspended in a volume of 0.25 ml to 1.0 ml of sterile normal saline was administered by intravenous injection.

Direct treatment of the SCI according to the practice of the present invention was performed by resuspension of a pharmaceutical composition comprising 750,000 to 80 million hES cells and their derivatives, wherein said cells comprise neuronal stem cell progenitors, resuspended in a volume of 2 ml of sterile normal saline and further diluted to 15 ml to 40 ml of sterile normal saline and administered by epidural injection at the site, below the site, and above the site of the lesion seven days after the first priming injection. Treatment by administration of epidural injection was repeated after one and a half months of priming, four months after priming, and six months after priming.

In addition to the epidural administration, the subject was treated by intrathecal injection of a pharmaceutical composition comprising 750,000 to 11 million hES cells and their derivatives, wherein said cells comprise hematopoietic stem cell progenitors and neuronal stem cell progenitors resuspended in 2 ml of sterile normal saline two and five months after the start of the treatment.

In addition, the subject was treated with an epidural injection of a pharmaceutical composition comprising 750,000 to 80 million hES cells and their derivatives, wherein said cells comprise neuronal stem cell progenitors, resuspended in 2 ml of sterile normal saline and further diluted to a final volume of 4 ml, twice daily for three consecutive days.

The neurological well-being of the subject was evaluated at regular intervals after the start of treatment, and a marked improvement of the mental state and general hygiene of the subject was observed after two weeks as shown in...

Signs and symptoms typical of damage to the autonomous nervous system as a result of a C6-C7 fracture were evaluated during the course of the treatment. A marked and progressive improvement in all parameters tested, including the ability to sense deep pressure, sense of touch, sensation, balance, ability to sense pain, ability to sense change in temperature, involuntary movements, presence of cold sweats, giddiness, blood pressure, breathing difficulty, abnormal posture whilst lying down and ability to sit unaided, was observed as shown in …

Bladder and bowel dysfunction is commonly associated with neurological damage as a result of SCI. This damage results in impaired bladder control, bladder stream and sensation of fullness in the bladder, bowel control, time for evacuation of the bowel and sensation in the bowel. During the course of the treatment, marked and progressive improvements in all parameters tested were observed as a result of the treatment as shown in…

Changes in the motor function of the upper body, as evidence for neural regeneration at the site of the C6-C7 lesion were evaluated during the course of the treatment. Marked and progressive improvements in shoulder movement, wrist and finger movement, power in the fingers., tendon reflexes, strength of limb movement, muscular atrophy and hand grasp were observed as shown in…

Changes in the motor function of the lower body, as evidence for neural regeneration at the site of the C6-C7 lesion, were evaluated during the course of the treatment, including hip movement, knee movement, toe movement, tendon reflexes, strength of the limb, muscular atrophy and plantar response. Although there was no improvement in any of the parameters tested during the course of the study, after three months of treatment, the subject was able to stand with the aid of a walking frame as shown in…


… a twenty two year old subject suffered with post traumatic paraplegia SCI as a result of a D6-D7 fracture after a fall from a second floor roof top. The subject went into a coma for two days after the fall and regained consciousness, but developed bilateral paralysis with total sensory and motor loss of the lower half of the body from the inter mammary region to the feet, and was unable to lift his feet or legs and was unable to sit unaided or get up into a sitting position. The subject was permanently bed ridden, had lost bladder and bowel control and was totally dependent upon the support of his family although his upper limbs were unaffected.

Administration of a pharmaceutical composition comprising hES cells and their derivatives according to the practice of the present invention was initiated after five months of the injury. In five months time, the subject regained bladder and bowel control, and ability to sit without support, and slide up and down by lifting the hip. Sensory perception restored to the perineal level. The subject can lift himself into a walking frame unaided, and can stand with ease in the frame without the need for knee support. The treatment resulted in the ability of the subject to walk using the walking frame with the support of a knee brace and return to work, i.e., he has regained a regular life style.


…a forty-year-old subject suffered from quadriplegic SCI as a result of a C5-C6 injury and stiffness and pain in the neck. The subject underwent surgery after six months and was quadriplegic since then. The subject suffered from a feeling of sinking and dizziness if made to sit with support, and had sensation from the upper border of the scapula upwards, with total loss of power in all four limbs and loss of bowel and bladder function immediately after surgery.

Administration of a pharmaceutical composition comprising hES cells and their derivatives according to the practice of the present invention was initiated nine months after surgery. As a result of the hES cell treatment, the subject is able to sit comfortably without the need for support, and is able to move and bend to the side whilst sitting in a chair with his legs hanging down comfortably. The subject regained a marked improvement of his control of his upper body. The subject received substantial improvement in his general psychological well being through the increased mobility and independence and activities. He is able to stand with support with strength in lower limbs, control of toe movement, and no wrist drop. Treatment is ongoing according to the improvements of the subject's condition.


… a thirty seven year old subject who suffered spinal injury with brain damage seventeen years ago after a road traffic accident and was confined to a wheelchair. Subject also suffered with right-sided hemiplegia, inability to talk, facial paralysis, a total loss of memory and no bladder control.

The subject was administered pharmaceutical composition comprising hES cells and their derivatives according to the practice of the present invention for one year and two months which resulted in the ability to walk with the aid of a walking frame, speaking of a few words, straightened neck, removal of facial paralysis and improving of memory.


…a fifty six year old subject who suffered from post-traumatic fracture at C5-C8 with retrovulsion of the fractured vertebrae causing cord contusion and associated anterior epidural hemorrhage and was paraplegic. The subject was unable to move both lower limbs and suffered acute pain in his back.

The administration of a pharmaceutical composition comprising hES cells and their derivatives according to the practice of the present invention was carried out for a period of one year which resulted in regaining of some strength in both legs, sensory perception such as vibration in the legs, and ability to stand with the aid of a walker without back pain. The subject can walk with the aid of a walking frame, regained bladder control and sensation, and overcame bouts of cold sweats and giddiness. The schedule of injections for this patient is shown in…


…a twenty five year old subject who was diagnosed with Potts Spine disorder at the D6 level with lower limb paraplegia, underwent surgery three times with an anterior decompression of the spinal cord. The subject was wheelchair bound, could not sit without support, with flaccid paralysis of the legs, had no bowel control and evacuated whilst lying and had no bladder sensation.

The subject was administered a pharmaceutical composition comprising hES cells and their derivatives according to the practice of the present invention, eleven years and six months after the injury. The treatment protocol followed during the first year resulted in strengthening the back, ability to sit without support, and sensation of heaviness in the legs. The subject also regained backache during menstruation and menstrual pain. Sensations in the thighs, legs and recovery of bladder sensation and control were observed. The subject is able to walk with the aid of a walking frame with good restoration of movement in both the legs. Treatment is ongoing.


…a thirty year old subject suffering from a C6-C7 paraplegic SCI was unable to move lower limbs and had no bowel control or bowel sensation. The subject had fine and deep pressure sensation only from the inter mammary region upwards. Thus, the subject had difficulty in sitting. The hands of the subject had very little strength, with very weak finger movement and the subject had difficulty in breathing.

The subject was treated according to the practice of the present invention by administration of a pharmaceutical composition comprising hES cells and their derivatives about three months after the injury. The subject regained ability to sit without support, suffers no giddiness, can sense pressure in the groin, has sensation in the medial side of the elbow and feels pain in the legs if the patient attempted to move. The subject breathes easily, has sensation in bladder and bowel, has sensation in legs and can now stand for a few minutes with support. The subject also has increased strength and movement in fingers. Treatment is ongoing.


…a twenty six year old subject, paraplegic as a result of SCI at D6, was unable to move both lower limbs, although able to sit without support. The subject had no bladder or bowel control, and had sensation only from the inter mammary area upwards.

The subject was administered a pharmaceutical composition comprising hES cells and their derivatives according to the practice of the present invention about ten months after the injury. The subject? regained sensation in the lateral side of the body and up to the unbilious region bilaterally from the axillary area to the hipbone. The subject can walk with the aid of a walking frame and a caliper with motor power in the legs.


…a twenty seven year old subject suffered with traumatic quadriplegia and had great difficulty talking and breathing, with rigid neck. The legs of the subject were paralysed and the subject had no finger movement and no sensation in. the rest of the body.

The treatment via administration of a pharmaceutical composition comprising hES cells and their derivatives according to the practice of the present invention was started about two years after the injury. The subject experienced an improvement in neck movement, ease in speech, and improvement in control of voice tone. The subject found breathing to be less cumbersome and motor function returned with some finger movement. The legs became less spastic and the subject was able to sit unaided. Toe movements also resumed and the subject can move the shoulders.


…a twenty five year old subject had a road accident and lost the ability to sit without support, the spine was prone to buckling, the subject lost bladder and bowel control and the subject suffered a total loss of power in the legs.

The subject was treated by administration of a pharmaceutical composition comprising hES cells and their derivatives according to the practice of the present invention about two years after the injury. The subject showed rapid improvement and can sit without support. The subject suffers no giddiness, has movement in both feet, regained sensation in the finger tips and can experience chill flowing through the spine.


…a twenty six year old subject with a SCI at D12-L1 as a result of a road traffic accident was unable to stand with the knees being contracted. The subject was able to sit without support and had normal sensations in the limbs. The subject had no bladder or bowel control and had increased spasticity.

The subject was treated about twelve years after the injury by administration of a pharmaceutical composition comprising hES cells and their derivatives according to the practice of the present invention. The subject experienced remarkable recovery in leg motor function with decreased spasticity, exhibited a fully extendable right leg and a return of strength to the left leg. The subject regained the ability to stand and walk with the aid of calipers and a walking frame. Bladder and bowel sensations also returned in the subject.


The patient was a 26 year old male with paraplegia after an injury between D6-D8. He suffered a traumatic road accident in September 2004. He was totally bedridden with no feeling below the chest, no bladder or bowel control, and no sensation or motor power from chest downwards. He had a very deep bed sore in the lower back in which his sacrum could be seen.

The patient started hES cells on April 27, 2006. Because of the bedsore he could not undergo any O/T procedures and was given daily dosages of cells intravenously and intramuscularly, and eventually had hES cells applied directly to his bedsore. He was also given intravenous infusions.

On his 11th day of treatment he could stand with full calipers (waist to ankle) and a walker and took 2 steps. As time continued his muscle power increased and after 4 months he could take up to 100 steps and could stand for up to 20 mins. He is able to feel his legs and move them too. He is also able to feel bladder and bowel fullness and is able to walk now with just a knee brace and the walker for support. His bed sore has healed and he has resumed his studies.


…The patient is a 22 year old male who suffered a horse riding accident in June, 2006 and is a paraplegic at T- 12, L-I. He had no power below the waist, no bowel or bladder control, and no sensation below waist.

The patient started treatment in September 2006 admitted for 6 weeks. He responded to hES cells and within a week he was able to stand and walk a few steps with full calipers (waist to ankle) and walker. He has progressed and is on the knee brace with which he can stand for up to 30 mins with a walker. He now has full sensation and bowel and bladder control. He also has good balance with the stick and also the crutches. He is able to go up and down the stairs with the caliper and the crutches.


The patient is a 26 year old female traumatic paraplegic at T- 12, L-I who suffered a road traffic accident in September 2004. She had no feeling below the chest and she had no bowel or bladder control. There was no motor power in either leg and she was wheel chair bound.

The patient started hES cells in March 2006. She was able to stand and walk a few steps with full calipers (waist to ankle) and walker after 9 days and continued to progress. Her current status is that she can walk continuously with caliper and walker and also stand using the knee brace. Bowel and bladder sensations have been restored with control and without the usage of any catheterization or suppository. Sensation has improved to the ankle